An iconic beer designed to hide a plague…

  • MALT: English Pale, Crystal, Chocolate, Black malts & Rolled Oats
    HOPS: East Kent Goldings
    YEAST: Wyeast 1968
    COLOUR: Dark enough to camouflage a cricket in your drink….
    TASTE: Milk Stout’s have a generous sweetness from the milk sugar (lactose) added in the boiling process. This sweetness complements the chocolate & coffee flavours from the dark roasted malts used in the mash. We add a touch of Vanilla from Tonga to give further complexity and to accentuate the sweetness.

    PAIRING: Fried grasshopper

    Our internationally renowned Vanilla Milk Stout was originally brewed to camouflage crickets jumping into people’s beer glasses back in the “Great Wagga Cricket Plague” of 2011.

    Perfect beer anytime of year and even better these days without a cricket tickling the back of your throat...

  • Thirsty Crow Brewpub